DSSStand for DS360 Micro Desoldering Iron
AT-SB - for AT420

ATS Stand

for AT420

DN-SF - for T210N / T245

DNS Stand

for T210N / T245
& T470N

DS-SF - for DS360

DSS Stand

for DS360

DR-SF - for DR560

DRS Stand

for DR560

DT-SB - for DT530

DTS Stand

for DT530

HD-SF - for T470

HDS Stand

for T470

HDT-SF - for HT470

HDTS Stand

for HT470

HT-SF - for HT420

HTS Stand

for HT420

NA-SB - for NH

NAS Stand

for NH

TE-SF - for TET

TES Stand

for TET

JT-SF - for JTT

JTS Stand

for JTT

WSST-A - for WS140

WSST Stand

for WS140

WSBT-B - for WS440

WSBT Stand

for WS440

ALE-SB - for ALE250

ALES Stand

for ALE250

SF-SE - for SF280

SFS Stand

for SF280

CT-SA - Solder Pot

CTS Stand

Solder Pot

SCH-A - for 16 Cartridges

SCH Holder

for 16 Cartridges

SC-C - for C210 & C245

SC Magazine

for C210 & C245

BE-SB - for Solder Reel

BES Stand

for Solder Reel

AL-IA - Handsfree

ALI Stand

for ALE250

STANDS FOR COMPACT - for Compact Stations


for Compact Stations
& Stands

AD-SF - for T210 & T245

ADS Stand

for T210 & T245

AM-SB - for PA120 & AM120

AMS Stand

for PA120 & AM120

AP-SF - for AP250

APS Stand

for AP250

AT-SB - for AT420

ATS Stand

for AT420

DN-SF - for T210N / T245

DNS Stand

for T210N / T245
& T470N

DS-SF - for DS360

DSS Stand

for DS360

DR-SF - for DR560

DRS Stand

for DR560

DT-SB - for DT530

DTS Stand

for DT530

HD-SF - for T470

HDS Stand

for T470

HDT-SF - for HT470

HDTS Stand

for HT470

HT-SF - for HT420

HTS Stand

for HT420

NA-SB - for NH

NAS Stand

for NH

TE-SF - for TET

TES Stand

for TET

JT-SF - for JTT

JTS Stand

for JTT

WSST-A - for WS140

WSST Stand

for WS140

WSBT-B - for WS440

WSBT Stand

for WS440

ALE-SB - for ALE250

ALES Stand

for ALE250

SF-SE - for SF280

SFS Stand

for SF280

CT-SA - Solder Pot

CTS Stand

Solder Pot

SCH-A - for 16 Cartridges

SCH Holder

for 16 Cartridges

SC-C - for C210 & C245

SC Magazine

for C210 & C245

BE-SB - for Solder Reel

BES Stand

for Solder Reel

AL-IA - Handsfree

ALI Stand

for ALE250

STANDS FOR COMPACT - for Compact Stations


for Compact Stations
& Stands

AD-SF - for T210 & T245

ADS Stand

for T210 & T245

AM-SB - for PA120 & AM120

AMS Stand

for PA120 & AM120

AP-SF - for AP250

APS Stand

for AP250

DSS Stand
for DS360

DSS Stand works exclusively with DS360 Micro Desoldering Iron and DI, DDE and DME Control Units.

The Intelligent Heat Management automatically detects the tool in the stand and reduces the tip temperature below the solder melting point. Hibernation cuts off power supply preventing oxidation. As a result, tip life lasts up to 5 times longer.

The stand includes Tip Cleaner with Brass Wool, as well as, splashguard and antisplash membrane to keep the work area clean and free of solder particles. Quick Tip Exchanger enables a safe, easy and quick tip exchange which, combined with Tip Holder, allows you to store up to four tips.

Tool Holder position is easily adjustable to suit your needs and Cable Collector is designed for perfect movement adaptation and to keep cables away from the working area.
DS-SF - Stand for DS360 Micro Desoldering Iron
DSS Stand for DS360
ESD safe
Meet ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021
Weight and dimensions
215 x 93 x 300 mm / 1.50 kg.
8.46 x 3.66 x 11.81 in / 3.31 lb.
342 x 155 x 120 mm / 2.06 kg.
13.46 x 6.10 x 4.72 in / 4.55 lb.