Rework Benches

Maximize efficiency and comfort

Rework Benches

Maximize efficiency and comfort

What does a JBC Rework Bench
consist of?

How does it help improve your rework process?

Ensures consistent heating
and prevents thermal shock

Preheater is indispensable for rework on multi-layered PCBAs and/or large ground planes to avoid thermal shock and facilitate soldering and desoldering processes.

Optimizes workflow with fast
and precise PCB handling

PCB Support is an essential accessory designed to facilitate fast and efficient PCB replacement, enhancing workflow efficiency during rework tasks.

Enhances hand stability
and comfort during soldering

Articulated Hand Rest makes work more comfortable by enabling a stable and relaxed hand position, reducing fatigue, which is perfect for rework processes.

Maximize efficiency and comfort

with JBC Rework Benches

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Maximize efficiency and comfort

with JBC Rework Benches

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