Great success of the new Excellence range in the SMTA show
October 06, 2014

Great success of the new Excellence range in the SMTA show

Visitors tried out the improved functions such as graphics in real time, partial counters or tool port monitoring.

The new DDE 2 Tools Control Unit and the NASE Nano Rework station, which features the benefits of the Excellence range, aroused visitor's interest at the SMTA show (Rosemont, IL). 

During the two-day exhibition, people who approached the JBC booth emphasised the ability of the new soldering equipment to meet customers' needs.

Excellence stations allow the user to remotely monitor groups of stations and to easily export station settings thanks to their multiple connections: USB, LAN, Robot and peripheral modules. Now you can modify more parameters, which
 means you get the best quality in your work.

Also visitors were greatly impressed by the PHSK-B IR Preheater system and the CLMB-A Automatic Senior Tip Cleaner which is the quickest system for cleaning soldering tips.

More info: Excellence Range